Jeff Bennett angol nyelvű könyve egy átfogó könyv a raftingról. Sajnos a színes képek és ábrák hiánya miatt a könyv külleme elég puritán, de a tartalma nagyon jó. A tartalmát tekintve a könyv nem rafting iránt érdeklődő turistáknak, hanem szakmaisága miatt gyakorló guide-oknak szól mindenre kitérve, amit egy raftot irányító vadvízi túravezetőnek szüksége lehet. Miután nem egy mai könyvről van szó, így elvétve igaz, de vannak benne idejétmúlt dolgok. Ajánlom áttanulmányozásra vadvízi kajakosoknak is.

Somi ajánlja a könyvet.
Tartalomjegyzék (témakörök)
The First Splash; About the Author; A Little Help from My Friends; What Are You Getting Yourself Into?; How to Use This Book
1. The Evolution of Rafting: From Powell to Paddle Cats
- The Fremont Expeditions
- John Wesley Powell
- Nathaniel Galloway
- The Post-World War II Era
- The Self-Bailing Generation
- The Russian Influence
- Looking Toward Tomorrow
2. Get Wet: Your First Rafting Adventure
- Outfitters
- Other Ways to Get Wet
- Clubs and Organizations; Raft Rentals
3. Equipment: From Oars to Floors, Helmets to Hi-Floats
- Basic Raft Anatomy
- Tubes; Panels and Seams; Valves; Thwarts; Floors; Accessories; Footcups
- Materials
- Base Fabrics; Coatings
- Design Characteristics
- Length and Width; Tube Size; Symmetry; Rise; Waterline; Floors
- Catarafts
- Types of Catarafts; Cataraft Design; Characteristics; Rotocats and Plastic Cats
- Other Types of Rafts
- North American Rafts; Plohts
- Purchasing a Raft
- Traditional Rafts; Catarafts; Used Rafts
- Frames
- Traditional Raft Frames; Selecting a Frame; Other Considerations; Cataraft Frames; Cooler Frames
- Oars
- Oar Construction; Selecting Oars; Oar Length; Setting Up Oars; Pins and Clips; Oarlocks; Fine Tuning
- Paddles
- Essential Riverwear
- Clothing; Lifejackets; Helmets
- Saddle Up: Assembling Your Gear and Crew
- Inflating Your Raft
- Pumps; Inflating the Raft
- Rigging the Frame
- Loading Accessories
- Spare Oars; Spare Paddles; Bowlines; Handlines; Bail Buckets; Additional Gear
- Passengers in Oar Rafts
- Nonpaddlers; Paddle Assists/
- Paddle Teams
- A Solid Foundation; Seating Arrangements; Varying the Size of the Paddle Team
5. River Morphology: The Dynamics of Running Water
- A Look Beneath the Surface
- Water Mechanics; Laminar Flows; Turbulent Flows; Chaos; Helical Currents; Meanders
- River Characteristics
- Volume; Gradient
- Surface Features
- Tongues; Upstream Vs; Standing Waves; Diagonal Waves; Haystacks; Breaking Waves and Stoppers; Pillows; Undercuts; Rooster Tails; Boils; Holes; Lowhead Dams and Weirs; Waterfalls; Eddies
- The Big Picture
- The Rating Game
- The AWA River-Rating Scale; Fine-Tuning the Scale
6. Propulsion Basics: Different Strokes for Different Boats
- Oar Strokes
- Backrowing; Portegee; Turning; Shipping; Rowing Sweep Boats and Plohts
- Paddle Strokes
- Get a Grip; Three Types of Paddle Strokes; Basic Power Strokes; Advanced Power Strokes; Turning Strokes; Bracing
7. Paddle Captaining: The Art of Whitewater Choreography
- The Pretrip Lecture
- Seating the Captain and Crew
- The Captain’s Chair; Seating the Crew
- Guiding Strokes
- The Strokes; Experience Is the Key
- Paddle Commands
- Basic Commands; Advanced Commands; Fine-Tuning; Handling Lag Time; Handling Overstroking; Your Voice; The Seasoned Team
8. Whitewater: Running the Rapids
- Five Types of Maneuvers
- River Directions
- Staying Parallel with the Current
- Ferrying
- History; Oar Rafts; Paddle Rafts; Apparent Versus Real Course; Ferrying Around Bends
- Turns and Pivots
- Sideslips
- Eddy Maneuvers
- Putting on the Brakes; Entering Eddies; Staying in Eddies; Exiting Eddies; Capsizing Forces
- Heading Downriver
- Reading Rivers; The Two Cs
- The SAFE System
- Scout; Analyze; Formulate; Execute
- The Added Edge
- Bailing; Highsiding; Digging; Lowering Your Center of Gravity; Beaching
- Honing Your Skills
9. Safety and Rescue: Keeping Your Head and Gear Above Water
- Having What It Takes
- Pretrip Preparation; Time on the River; Pretrip Discussion
- Equipment
- Group Travel
- Lead and Sweep Rafts; Group Scouting and Rescue
- Portaging and Lining
- Self-Rescues
- Swimming; Rerighting Rafts; Active Swimming; Holes and Dams; Strainers and Sweepers; Pulling Swimmers into Rafts
- Rope Rescues
- Throw Bags; Getting Ropes to Swimmers; Belays
- River Crossings
- Solo Crossings; Group Crossings
- Other Rope Rescues
- Strong-Swimmer Rescue; Loose Horizontal Line; The Telfer Lower
- Wraps
- First Things First; Basic Rope Systems; Z-Drags
- First Aid
10. Advanced Rafting: Rafting on the Cutting Edge
- Preparation
- Skills and Conditioning; Choice of Raft; Accessories; Stowing Gear; The Class V Attitude
- Rafting in the Third Dimension
- Helpful Hydraulics; Waves; Holes; V-Holes; Eddies
- Boulders and Slots
- Boulders; Lowsiding
- Waterfalls and Steep Drops
- Irregular Ledges; Waterfalls
- Low- and High-Water Techniques
- Low-Water Trips; High-Water Trips
- A Quick Course in Steep Creeking
- Reading the Horizon; Slowing Your Descent
- R-2ing
11. Single-Day to Multiday Trips: Carrying Your Toys
- Planning Ahead
- Waterproof Containers
- Dry Bags; Ammo Cans and Dry Boxes
- Stowing Gear Safely
12. River Camping and Cookery: Life at the Riverside Inn
- Clothing and Camping Equipment
- Campsite Selection
- Wind and Water; The Riparian Environment
- Campfires
- Firepans; Campfire Cleanup; River Saunas
- Human Waste
- River Cookery
- Menu Planning; Packing Food; Coolers; Sorting Food; The Kitchen; Dutch Ovens; Dishwashing; Drinking Water; Garbage
- One Step Further: Rafting Alternatives
- River Exploration
- The Research Phase; Selecting the Crew; Equipment and Supplies; Safety; Getting to the River; Running the River
- Racing
- Types of Races; Prerace Tips; During the Race; Wildwater Tips
- Playboating
- Equipment; Skills; Playing on Waves; Playing in Holes
14. Stay in Shape: Gear Maintenance and Repair
- Raft Care
- Takedown, Rolling, and Storage
- Raft Repair
- Materials; The Workplace; Applying the Patch; Patching Tips; Major Repairs; Welding; D-Rings; Valves
- Oar Maintenance and Repair
- Riverwear
- Neoprene Clothing; Drysuits
- Other Equipment
- Lifejackets; Pumps
15. The Rest of the Story
- Becoming a Professional Guide
- Opening Doors; Getting Your Ticket to Ride; Guide-Training Schools; The Inside Track; Landing the Premier Jobs
- Whitewater Photography
- Equipment; Protecting Your Gear; Film Lighting and Exposure; Shooting Angles; The Learning Curve
- Rafting for the Physically Challenged
- Rafting with Children
- Start on the Right Foot; Raft Safely; Keep Them Entertained
- Other Whitewater Craft
- Inflatable Kayaks; Inflatable Canoes; Sit-on-Tops; Kayaks; Canoes; Riverboards
- Conservation–Preserving the River Resource
- Safety Code of the American Whitewater Affiliation
- Water-Level Information
- United States Maps
- Canadian Maps
- Regional Guidebooks (U.S.)
- Local Guidebooks (U.S.)
- Local Guidebooks (Canada)
- International Guidebooks
- Books for Physically Challenged Rafters
- Additional Canada Information
- Periodicals
- Rafting Equipment Catalogs
- Rafting Manufacturers
- Portable Toilets
- Outfitters Organizations (U.S.)
- Outfitters Organizations (Canada)
- Private Boaters Organizations
- Rafting Schools
- Safety Instruction Organizations
- Conservation Groups
- Checklists
- Knots
- Glossary
- Index
ISBN: 9780070055056
Kiadás: 1996. február
Oldalszám: 196